Skills, and abilities for Warriors in LARP Adventures
Updated March 22, 2024
The Way of The Fighter
This category is melee focused. Choose to follow this path if you are a warrior at heart. Melee and weapons are the focus and you will natively improve by;
Taking part in battles
Seeking out Masters in game
Practicing with your fellows
If you want to be a greater warrior, you must practice to improve. This is one of the few paths where "out of game" practice, training and exercise strengthens your character, and by learn new skills as you progress at monthly events you will truly become a force to be reckoned with!
Warrior Battle Advantages
Armor Proficiency - Warriors know about armor and how to wear and use it. Warriors start with a 3 Armor Point max, and with armor optimization skills, you can maximize your armor and gain more AP.
Shield Proficiency - Warriors can use any type and size shield
Weapon Proficiency - Warriors can learn any weapon without restriction from daggers to the largest polearms
Limitations and Restrictions
It is difficult or impossible to use Wizard or Healing Skills in full armor
Clandestine Skills may fail or be impossible fully armed and armored

Tier 0 Abilities
Basic Weapon Proficiency: Players learn the basic combat and safety rules and the use of single handed weapons.
Armor Proficiency: Players learn about the armor that they wear and about it’s effective and safe use in play.
Kindle Flame/Torch: Player gains proficiency at creating normal fire, may make a torch or lantern to create light.
Phys Rep: Optional (larp safe electronically lighted torch, or lantern, fake flame candle, etc)
Limitations: 10’ radius
Shield Control: Players learn the art of Shield Control and may use shields in combat.
Tier 1 Abilities
Advanced Weapon Training: Study and become proficient in the use of two-handed weapons, polearms, and dual wielding.
Archery: Players are taught the safety rules of archery at LARP Adventures and earn the use of bow and arrow in play.
Armor Repair Non-metal: Repairs a single hit location of non-metal armors.
Phys Rep: Repair Kit and rp of repair (30 Seconds)
Shield Repair: Repairs normal shield for use.
Phys Rep: Repair Kit and rp of repair (30 Seconds)
Prerequisite: Non Metal Armor Repair
Tier 2 Abilities
Armor Training: The Player has gained experience and is learning how to best wear and fight in their armor. They can now add 1 to maximum AP4 for Warriors by layering armor.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency
Metal Armor Repair: Repairs AP to area repaired
Phys Rep: Repair Kit and rp of repair (30 Seconds)
Prerequisite: Non Metal Armor Repair
Weapon Repair: Repairs normal weapon for use.
Phys Rep: Repair Kit and rp of repair (30 Seconds)
Prerequisite: Metal Armor Repair
Cross-Training: At Tier 2 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. Cross Training skills cost twice (2x) as many Skill Points to acquire.
Healer Training 1: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Mage Training 1: The Player studies the craft of the magi of the realm. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Mage skill path.
Rogue Training 1: The Player studies and watches the rogues around them. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Rogue skill path.
Tier 3 Abilities
Hardiness 1: Character has built up endurance to pain and abuse and is hard to stop. Player gets one additional hit per hit location.
Phys Rep: Brown Belt Favor with a single stroke
Limitations: Only effective for warriors wearing up to two Armor Points of physical armor per hit location, to a maximum of 3 Armor Points
Speedy Recovery: The Player has learned from experience the best ways to be healed and how to heal them. Any healing item or spell now heals for twice its normal amount.
Iron Will: The player possesses unending bravery and becomes resistant to fear. If a creature or player causes fear, the player with Iron Will can ignore the effect. Iron Will also renders the warrior immune to the Compel Truth spell
Jury Rig: May repair any item with only the things at hand, think of this as the fantasy adventure equivalent of the MacGyver ability. May be used on armor, weapons, and any non magical items or mechanisms.
Prerequisite: Metal Armor Repair and Shield Repair
Tier 4 Abilities
Renown: The player has gained notoriety for good or ill, a player with Renown should announce to the realm what it is they wish to be renowned for, so that their name is known far and wide. In negotiations a player with renown should be given special considerations, if a Renowned player is included in a land search, you may deduct 25% from the normal cost. (non-cumulative)
Mighty Blow: The character has developed the ability to gather and focus their strength into a powerful attack, a player with Mighty Blow does double damage with a single attack, a player using this ability with a two-handed strike, also gains the ability to destroy shields with this attack.
Phys Rep: Role play and must include a declaration by the player that the strike is a Mighty Blow.
Limitations: May only be used once per combat, up to a maximum of 3 times per adventure day.
Last Strike: Immense toughness allows the warrior a final blow after they have been mortally wounded or killed in combat. A player with Last Strike may swing their weapon one final time at an opponent before succumbing to their injuries and falling in battle.
Phys Rep: Role play and must include a declaration by the player that the strike is their Last Strike.
Limitations: May only be used once per combat, up to a maximum of 3 times per adventure day.
Cross-Training: At Tier 4 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. The player must have the previous training level in the appropriate path to pursue the second stage of cross path training. Cross Training Tier 2 Skills cost twice (2x) as many Skill Points to acquire for Tier 2 Skills.
Healer Training 2: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Wizard Training 2: The Player studies the craft of the magi of the realm. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Mage skill path.
Rogue Training 2: The Player studies and watches the rogues around them. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Rogue skill path.
Tier 5 Abilities
Hardiness 2: Character has continued to build up endurance to pain and abuse and is even harder to stop. Player gets two additional hits per hit location.
Phys Rep: Brown Belt Favor with two strokes
Limitations: Only effective for warriors wearing up to two Armor Points of physical armor per hit location, to a maximum of 4 Armor Points
Prerequisite: Hardiness 1
Rallying Cry: The player possesses the unrelenting bravery of Iron Will and is able to share their resistance to fear. If the creature or player causes fear, all of the players that can hear the Rallying Cry are also immune to fear based effects.
Prerequisite: Iron Will
Brutal Rage: Through sheer will or years of training the warrior has trained their mind to briefly ignore its physical limitations. The player becomes rage incarnate and may take 5 hits for up to 3 minutes, regardless of their current Armor Points or injuries, and may continue to fight as normal until the three minutes is up, at which point they die, regardless of damage incurred. Phys Rep: Role play, and must include a declaration by the player that they are entering their Brutal Rage.
Limitations: May only be used once per combat, up to a maximum of 3 times per adventure day.
Blood Oath: The character has been wronged in the past and holds enmity against a certain creature, and swears a Blood Oath against them, usually one that marauds their homeland or done them some great injustice. Typical enemies include giants, orcs, lizard men, trolls, ect. The player gains double damage versus their declared mortal enemies.
Phys Rep: A scroll of the Blood Oath created by the player that declares their mortal enemy.
Limitations: Role play, a character that has declared a Blood Oath will actively seek out their enemy in combat in preference to all other foes, unless someone else presents a much greater danger. It is difficult for them to hide their hatred and it is only with great difficulty that they can encounter creatures that they have sworn a Blood Oath against without attacking them.
Tier 6 Abilities
Tactician: Once per event, the player can decide to re-roll a land search action, or any other encounter table roll. They may then choose which dice result they wish to use. This can be utilized for the NPC type, enemy NPC amount, or other NPC disposition.
Plant The Banner: Before a battle begins the warrior can place their standard as a rallying point for their fellow battlemates. Players within 30 ft. of the banner are immune to fear as long as the banner stands.
Phys Rep: Roleplay and placing a physical banner with a distinct player’s or faction’s emblem in the ground, or holding it. The spot where the banner is to be placed may be pre-set.
Prerequisite: Rallying Cry
Sappers Toolkit: The player already capable of impromptu repair is now trained in the art of combat engineering, having shown an aptitude to repair and build under combat conditions, the player amasses a kit of tools that allows them to half the time of repairs and gives them the ability to create simple offensive and defensive structures in the field.
Prerequisites: Jury Rig
Structures appear as quickly as they can be brought to the field and may include the following:
Barricades: The player can construct up to 2 barricades + 1 for every Tier passed 6. Barricades may be up to 5’ feet wide and up to 2’ feet deep. They act as shields in reference to being destroyed and have 2 structural damage points at Tier 6, and +1 structural damage point for each Tier after.
Phys Rep:Barricades may be improvised with a pile of relatively safe brush or debris scavenged from surroundings, or prefabricated and put in place, alternatively the area may be marked with a rope, it must have a note attached that clearly marks it as a BARRICADE, and its structural points along with the makers mark and Tier.
Trench: The trench is a 5x10 foot area that players passing through must go on their knees.
Phys Rep: Represented with an outline of field paint, foam, or black fabric.
Watchpost: The Player can construct up to 2 at a time watch posts that a single player can stand on. Players on the watchpost cannot be engaged in melee combat unless from this entrance point.
Phys Rep: The watchpost is a single “fenced in” 3x3 block raised from the ground no more than 2 feet with only a single “entrance point”, the location of which is denoted by a lack of fence on the 3x3 block.
Limitations: If a player falls from the watchpost by going off a point that is not the entryway or if the watchpost is destroyed, they are rendered unconscious. Watchposts act as shields in reference to being destroyed.
Battering Ram: The warrior may create a battering ram that can destroy normal doors and gates. Battering rams can be made in the field, but should be made LARP safe (no sharp protrusions, or splintered ends), and must be at least 2’ long per person using the battering ram. A battering ram will do 1 structural point of damage per person operating it.
Prerequisites: Jury Rig
Ironclad Shield: The warrior’s shield is made more resilient by careful reinforcement, and the experience of the warrior has taught them how to deflect devastating blows more effectively. Negates 1 shield destruction strike.
Phys Rep: Silver ribbon tied to shield.
Limitation: Only works for the warrior with the skill.
Prerequisite: Shield Repair
Cross-Training: At Tier 6 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. Cross-Training in Skills that are Tier 3 now cost three times (3x) the Skill Point cost, and all other restrictions and prerequisites for each skill apply. The player must have the previous training level in the appropriate path to pursue the third stage of cross path training.
Healer Training 3: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Mage Training 3: The Player studies the craft of the magi of the realm. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Mage skill path.
Rogue Training 3: The Player studies and watches the rogues around them. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Rogue skill path.