Skills, and abilities for Rogues in LARP Adventures
Updated: March 21, 2024
Rogue Clandestine Skills
Stealth - Rogues use natural stealth, hide in shadows, move silently
Perception - Rogues search for hidden objects, find and understand the nature of traps, surveillance
Dodge and Evade - Rogues use agility and speed to avoid being hit, as well as get away from dangerous situations
Surprise and Ambush - Whether it is the art of the backstab or setting an ambush for your enemies, there are many ways Rogues try to gain an advantage against adversaries
Many of the Rogue skills require real world talents that you will have to practice, but as you play, you will learn to be proficient with the skills and abilities to maximize your effectiveness in any situation.
Limitations and Restrictions
Due to the nature of some clandestine skills, heavy armor restricts movement and is shunned by rogues, as it tends to make more noise for sneaking. Long weapons and large shields get in the way when trying to dodge, evade, or move in heavy woods, or tight spaces - armor and weapons are restricted for Rogues.

Shields are limited in size to 26" Round (or no more than 500 square inches)
Weapons must be under 4 feet in total length.
Armor of any type that makes sufficient noise hinders the element of surprise. For example, armor made of metal makes noise and prevents ease of movement, preventing some Rogue skills from being used while wearing them. Rogues typically benefit from non-metal armor, like padding, leather or hide.
Armor Point max initially limited to 2AP per hit location. Your AP max may increase with taking Skills, but you must still observe Rogue limitations and restrictions.
Headwear is encouraged for safety and style. A Rogue who wears headgear that (1) easily telegraphs their class/role, (2) is appropriately immersive, high quality material, and (3) offers some element of safety may claim 1 floating hit point when it is worn. This could include padded coifs, pirate hats, thick hoods with masks, corsair hats, and others. If uncertain, ask the Rogue’s Guild.
Tier 0 Abilities
Loot: Player gains the ability to loot bodies left on the field. Using the Loot ability you gain in-game items carried by the lootee, including coins up to 5 silver per Tier (minimum 0 silver at Tier 0); one in-game item, potion, or scroll per tier; or one artifact carried by the looted.
Phys Rep: Player holds hand over the location being looted and says “ I am searching this location” (the player being looted is NEVER physically touched.) The player being looted must reveal any items carried or hidden in the location being searched, except for objects protected by Tier 5 [Conceal Object].
Limitations: Players cannot [Loot] another player's personal items, including weapons, out of game items, or jewelry.
Detect Trap: Using this ability, Rogues can now see traps laid before them, check a Suspicious Location for a trap, or discern if an item, door, or container is trapped. They are able to discern the full location of the trap if it is an area trap, but not the potential consequences activating the trap could have, based on their Tier and knowledge of traps, until they attempt to interact with the trap, by reading the Trap Card.
Phys Rep: Role play, 15 seconds. The player detecting traps must carefully look at an object, or search an area, and may then locate, but not read any ribbons, or cards placed on an item, or in the area searched to discern the Tier of the trap’s creator, and type of trap. That is revealed by further inspection.
Limitations: Each search is limited to a single item or area within a 10’ radius. [Detect Trap] allows the Rogue to understand whether something is a threat without setting off the trap. However, the Rogue will have to interact with it to [Bypass Trap], [Destroy Trap], or [Disarm Trap], taking a risk.
Shield Training: Rogues gain the ability to safely use small to medium sized shields, up to 26” in diameter. This is a class-specific limitation and cannot be ignored by taking the [Shield Training] skill in another Skill Tree.
Basic Weapon Proficiency: Players learn the basic combat and safety rules and the use of single handed weapons.
Armor Proficiency: Players learn about the armor that they may wear and about its effective and safe use in play, allowing up to 2 Armor Points (AP) for Rogues. This is a class-specific baseline and cannot be ignored by taking the [Armor Proficiency] skill in another Skill Tree, like Warrior.
Kindle Flame/Torch: Player gains proficiency at creating normal fire, may make a torch or lantern to create light.
Phys Rep: Optional (larp safe electronically lighted torch, or lantern, fake flame candle, etc)
Limitations: 10’ radius
Tier 1 Abilities
Cooperative Action: Rogues find out early on that the best way to learn is by watching, and helping. The best rogues learn that they can get further by working together. When faced with a lock or trap that is beyond their capabilities they can utilize Cooperative Action to open a lock, bypass, disarm, and or destroy a trap with the help of other rogues to gain an advantage. The rogue that takes the action receives +1 to their effective tier for each rogue with Cooperative Action working together. In order for a Cooperative Action to be successful, the total tier must be greater than the tier of the lock, or trap in order to be successful in attempts to open, bypass, disarm, or destroy. It takes double the amount of time as normal to skills when done as a Cooperative Action.
Phys rep: All rogues must be within touch distance of the lock or trap, and engaged in role play.
Prerequisite: Detect Trap
Pick Lock: The player is now able to pick locks of a strength equal to or less than their Tier. It takes 60 seconds uninterrupted to successfully pick a lock.
Phys Rep: A skeleton key or lockpicking kit of a nature that suits their character.
Bypass Trap: After [Detect Trap], Rogues may now choose to investigate further and read the trap card with the [Bypass Trap] ability. The player is now able to safely work around some traps after detecting them, temporarily bypassing their effects. When using this ability, the rogue is able to temporarily disable a trap, holding the mechanisms that would set it off in place in order to move an item, unlock and open a door or container, or pass safely over a trapped area. A player using this Rogue ability must have one part of their person in contact with the trapped item, container, or location at all times. Once they stop their control over the trap’s mechanisms, or leave the area, the trap is considered rearmed. The player may bypass a trap set by a Rogue equal to or lower than their Tier.
Phys Rep: The Rogue should carry a set of thieves' tools. After using Detect Trap, take out the tools and perform a 10 second RP. The player compares the Tier of the trap set on the item, container, or location to their Tier to determine outcome. If the trap is of an equal to or lower Tier than the Rogue’s it is safely bypassed. If the trap is higher Tier, then the effects of the trap take place immediately.
Prerequisite: Detect Trap
Climb Walls: The player can now scale walls and cliffs. This means during sieges, players can climb over walls in order to infiltrate the interior of castles or other buildings.
Phys Rep: In order for this skill to be put into effect, the player must crawl 10' to simulate climbing and may then enter a structure or cross an obstacle in a safe location. A rope may be tied to the wall or location to allow others to follow.
Limitations: Not all obstacles can be climbed for safety reasons. Characters wearing metal armor or over encumbered for their max AP may not benefit from [Climb Walls], even if a rope is provided.
Rogue’s Advanced Weapon Proficiency: Study and become proficient in the use of two-handed weapons, polearms, and dual wielding, Rogues are limited to using weapons 4’ or less in length; this is a class-specific limitation and cannot be ignored by taking an [Advanced Weapon Proficiency] in another Skill Tree.
Archery: Players are taught the safety rules of archery at LARP Adventures and earn the use of bow and arrow in play.
Tier 2 Abilities
Pickpocket: The rogue, adept in the art of sleight of hand, is able to pilfer coins or in-game items, such as potions and scrolls equal to 5 silver per tier. Players cannot receive another player's personal items, including weapons, out of game items, or jewelry. They must clip a clothespin from the waist up on a player without being detected. If they are detected, the pickpocket fails. If successful, when the clothespin is found the player being pickpocketed must locate a game organizer or merchant and return the clothespin and pay the appropriate amount of coin or relinquish an in-game item of equal value.
Phys rep: A clothespin marked with a player’s symbol and tier.
Limitation: Players can only carry one clothespin per tier, must seek an Organizer or participating Merchant to collect Pickpocketed items. Requires Game Official to be present.
Prerequisite: Loot
Trap Use 1: Rogues learn the ability to set simple traps on an item, door, or container that cause one wound to the nearest limb of a player attempting to open them, that disregards normal armor. Along with [Poison Use], traps can be made to not only cause damage but also have other effects, see Tier 3 [Create Poison].
Phys Rep: The Rogue should carry a set of thieves' tools to RP. Setting a trap takes 30 seconds per Tier of the Trap created (may be incorporated into the actual physical setup of a trapped item or container). Players use a card with the trap's effect as well as the Tier and character name, or Guild Mark of the player that set the trap. Trap cards for items and containers may be small and discreet, but should be easily discernible for other players.
Limitations: Players can only set 1 trap per Tier per event-day. Traps are limited to 1 per item, or container.
Prerequisite: Bypass Trap
Area Traps: This skill allows the Rogue to trap an area or location. These traps represent the ability to set snares, tripwires, and and pitfalls, as well as an understanding of how to disguise them. Rogues with Area Traps gain the ability to set “Suspicious Locations” These are areas that look suspicious upon inspection, even to the untrained eye, but only a Rogue can safely determine if they are truly trapped or a ruse.These traps can be used to ensnare/hold a player for a number of minutes equal to the Tier of the Rogue that set the trap in a location, or cause damage equal to the Tier of the Rogue to anyone in the area of effect that applies to a targeted hit location of the Rogue’s choosing (i.e., a dart trap that targets the torso, punji sticks that do damage to a leg, etc.) Along with [Poison Use], [Area Traps] can be made to not only cause damage, but also have other effects, see Tier 3 [Create Poison]. A Suspicious Location can be trapped or safe, and for every one actual Area Trap a rogue sets, they can also set a Suspicious Location that is not trapped in order to confuse, delay, or lead astray their victims.
Phys Rep: Suspicious Locations are represented by a folded 8.5x11 sheet of paper of any color, one side labeled “Suspicious Location” and the other side denoting if the area is safe or if it is trapped, what kind of trap it is, including a description of the mechanism, and the effects.The Suspicious Location marker must also include the Tier and character name, or Guild Mark of the player that set the trap Setting Area Traps takes 30 seconds per Tier (may be incorporated into the actual physical setup of a location), higher Tier traps are more complicated and deadly so take longer to set. A black ribbon is used to denote the location of the trap in an area of up to 10’ in diameter. Suspicious Location markers should be easily discernible for other players.
Limitations: Players can only set 1 Area Trap per Tier per day. Area Traps are limited to 1 per 10’ area.
Prerequisite: Trap Use 1
Poison Use: Rogues learn how to use poison. Poison may be used on weapons, in traps and on items like cups and plates. There are many types of poisons: refer to Tier 3 [Create Poison] for details and effects. Poison lasts for one hit. For melee weapons, poison takes effect if you deal a wound, but is not wasted if you hit an armored area. For ranged weapons, applied poison is consumed when ammunition is first launched and may be wasted if shot inaccurately. Applying poison takes 1 minute per Tier of the Poison. Once applied, the poison lasts until one of three things happen: discharge of the poison into a victim, death of the poisoner, or end of event-day. Once applied, poison cannot be unapplied without using it or dying.
Phys Rep: A purple sticker or ribbon used to denote the in game consumable or item the poison is placed on.
Limitations: Only 1 poison may be used on each item. [Poison Use] can be countered by spells such as [Cure Poison] or [Heal Senses], depending on the nature of the poison. Organizers should be informed of a player's intent to use poison in play to facilitate role play and effects. You may not apply poison to others’ possessions who do not have [Poison Use], hoping to benefit them. Those without [Use Poison] poison themselves within seconds, as they aren’t trained to handle poisoned weapons, for example.
Waylay: Rogues use Waylay in order to rob, or seize an unsuspecting target player without killing them, it is an intercept or attack from ambush.
Phys Rep: Small club, mallet, or flail. The Rogue must attack by surprise, from behind, and proclaim “Waylay!” as well as declare what is happening to the unsuspecting victim while striking to communicate the non-lethal hit, that ignores normal armor..
Limitations: It is difficult to achieve surprise. Characters wearing primarily metal armor or over encumbered for their max AP may not benefit from [Waylay] or other stealth-based Skills.
Locksmithing: The player is now able to create locks in strength equal to their Tier level. They may also create keys that they can give to other characters.
Phys Rep: RP and a piece of black ribbon tied around the outside of a container or locked item. The ribbon must be denoted with the players tier, as well as their character name so it can be returned to them if necessary.
Limitations: Each lock costs the player 2 silver to craft and takes 1 minute to make.
Cross-Training: At Tier 2 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. Cross Training skills cost twice (2x) as many Skill Points to acquire.
Warrior Training 1: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of warriors. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Warriors Skill path.
Healer Training 1: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Mage Training 1: The Player studies the craft of the magi of the realm. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Mage skill path.
Tier 3 Abilities
Create Poison: The player can now create poisons that can have the following desired effects, each lasting one minute per tier of the poison on the characters that consume it: Frenzy: Effected players fly into a rage lasting, trying to harm those around them. Blind: Players lose the ability to see. Deafen: Players lose the ability to hear. Maim: Players lose all function in a limb chosen by the poison giver. Incapacitate: Players are knocked unconscious. Hold: Players are held in place.
The only exception is the poison effect called Damage, which causes one additional wound per tier of the rogue
Phys Rep: A vial containing purple liquid, or other physical representation. A purple sticker or ribbon is used to denote the in-game consumable or item the poison is placed on.
Limitations: The base cost of poison is 5 silver plus an additional 5 silver per tier of the poison. For example, a Tier 1 poison lasts for 1 minute and costs 10 silver to make; the effects last for 1 minute. A Tier 4 poison costs 5 + 20 silver to make. Players can only craft 2 poisons (plus an additional 1 poison for each tier after tier 3) per event. You may not apply poison to others’ possessions who do not have [Poison Use], hoping to benefit them. Those without [Use Poison] poison themselves within seconds, as they aren’t trained to handle poisoned weapons, for example. Nothing should ever be put in someone else's food or beverage.
Prerequisite: Poison Use
Backstab: Players who have learned the art of Backstab, know where and how to strike most effectively, at close quarters, in order to quickly incapacitate an opponent. Using a dagger or short sword (up to 24”), a player with this skill may inflict wounds that ignore all normal armor, with an attack value up to their Tier in damage on a character when striking from behind, and undetected.
Phys Rep: Player must attack by surprise, from behind, and proclaim “Backstab!” as well as declare the number of points of damage inflicted while striking to communicate the hit.
Limitations: It is difficult to achieve surprise. Characters wearing primarily metal armor or over encumbered for their max AP may not benefit from [Backstab] or other stealth-based Skills.
Prerequisite: Waylay
Destroy Trap: The Rogue now gains the ability through practice and a deep understanding of traps to completely destroy a trap without it going off or suffering any ill effects. The Rogue leaves the trap operationally ineffective, and it can never be reactivated, anyone can now pass through the area, or open an unlocked container, or door without hindrance. The trap setter is made aware their trap is destroyed by a Destroy Trap card left by the other Rogue.
Phys Rep: RP 15 seconds per tier of Trap to be destroyed. Destroy Trap card
Limitations: If the trap was created by a higher Tier Rogue, then the effects of the trap take place immediately.
Prerequisite: Bypass Trap
Track Target: Players gain the ability to investigate an area and conclude what direction a specific target went. They are able to follow tracks that others cannot see and can conclude things such as party size, the creatures/characters physical state, and speed traveled.
Phys Rep: Players must spend 30-60 seconds in role play investigating an area, and seek out an organizer for information.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day per Tier. Requires Game Official to be present.
Forgery: Players can forge a number of documents that are identical to the ones they wish to create or copy. This could include signatures, identification, scrolls, letters, and whole books, given enough time, as well as many written things.
Phys Rep: Requires a feathered pen and piece of paper with writing pertinent to the subject they wish to convey on it, along with the Tier and character’s name producing the forgery. Each forgery takes 3 minutes of RP creating the forged document.
Limitations: Rogues can create 2 documents per Tier gained after learning this skill. Magic scrolls copied in this way are non magical and when read create no effects. A player of higher Tier with the Forgery skill may identify the forgery.
Bind: Rogues learn how to quickly and effectively restrain an individual. A rogue can bind the limbs of non-magical humanoids to restrict their movement, or allow them to be easily transported.
Phys Rep: A reasonably sturdy rope at least 5 feet in length. To bind another player you must first ask them if they are ok with role playing being tied up. Then you must be able to role play for at least 10 seconds, handing the bound player the rope to safely wrap around a limb or to hold.
Limitations: The opposing player must be held by [Waylay], in a state of surrender, or already defeated. Players may decline to be bound, and players should never actually be tied up for any reason during game play.
Tier 4 Abilities
Fence: The player has learned greatly of the underground market and has many contacts. They also now know how to advertise stolen quest items or in-game items to seem as though they were acquired legitimately, and can avoid suspicion when selling any items. They also receive a 25% off discount at all NPC shops and for specific services at Merchant’s Guild vendors in the realm. Fenced items may be sold to merchants or redeemed for coins from Game Officials.
Phys Rep: Jeweler's loupe, small scale, or other appropriate appraisal tool. Requires 30 second minimum role play and then may seek out Game Officials to turn in items for payment.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day per Tier. Requires Game Official or Merchant to be present.
Trap Use 2: Rogues learn the ability to set more advanced traps that cause one wound of torso damage per Tier to the player attempting to move an item, or open a trapped door, or container: normal armor rules apply. Along with Poison Use, traps can be made to not only cause damage but also have other effects: see Tier 3 [Create Poison].
Phys Rep: RP, setting a trap takes 30 seconds per Tier: higher Tier traps are more complicated and deadly. Players use a card to denote the trap's effect as well as the Tier and character name of the player that set the trap in the container that has been trapped, or on a black ribbon and Suspicious Location card used to denote the location of the trap.
Limitations: Players can only set 1 trap per Tier at a time. Traps are limited to 1 per container, or 1 per 10’ area. This does not add to the number of traps you can have in play; it just increases their effectiveness.
Prerequisite: Trap Use 1
Disarm Trap: The Rogue now gains the ability to completely disarm a trap that they have detected. The rogue leaves the trap operationally ineffective and all players can now move an item, open an unlocked container, or pass through an Area Trap without hindrance thereafter. The player may disarm a trap set by a Rogue equal to or lower than their Tier. The trap setter is made aware their trap is disarmed by a Disarm Trap card left by the Rogue. Or the trap may be rearmed and left in place.
Phys Rep: Disarm Trap card with character name or Guild mark and Tier. RP 15 seconds per Tier of trap to be disarmed.
Limitations: If the trap was created by a higher Tier Rogue, then the effects of the trap take place immediately.
Prerequisite: Destroy Trap
Conceal Item: The Rogue has learned how to effectively hide items on their person, and may conceal items from being Looted or Pickpocketed by other players.
Limitations: 1 item may be concealed and an additional item for every 2 Tiers after 4th.
Prerequisite: Pickpocket
Cross-Training: At Tier 4 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. The player must have the previous training level in the appropriate path to pursue the second stage of cross path training. Cross Training Tier 2 Skills cost twice (2x) as many Skill Points to acquire for Tier 2 Skills.
Warrior Training 2: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of warriors. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Warriors Skill path.
Healer Training 2: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Mage Training 2: The Player studies the craft of the magi of the realm. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Mage skill path.
Tier 5 Abilities
Reverse Pickpocket: The rogue, now a master in the art of sleight of hand, is able to place in-game items, such as poisons, cursed items, or incriminating documents on other players. The items take immediate effect on the player and take effect or are noticed depending on the item placed on the opposing player.
Phys rep: The game mechanic is similar to the Pickpocket ability, the Rogue must seek out a Game Official and give them the items that are to be Reverse Pickpocketed, then a clothespin marked with the Rogues name and tier is placed surreptitiously on the unsuspecting player. When the clothes pin is found on the player they must seek out the Game Official, who then explains what has transpired and give the player the planted item. The item and any effects then come into play immediately.
Limitation: Rogues can only carry clothespins equal to their Tier.
Quick Feet: Through training and practice the Rogue has become a master of agility, they can dodge hits with ease as they flee from combat. While running away from a fight, a Rogue with Quick Feet gains a floating +2 to AP.
Phys Rep: The player proclaims “Quick Feet!” and turns his back from the main combat and must take at least 3 steps away from the melee. The other player may not immediately pursue the Rogue.
Limitation: May be used three times per day.
Interrogate: When another player is held in place, the Rogue can force them to tell the truth through interrogation tactics. A Rogue using this ability compels the target player to speak truthfully in an interrogation.
Phys Rep: Role play, the player being interrogated is asked a question or series of questions and must answer truthfully to the best of their character knowledge.
Limitations: The opposing player must be waylaid, in a state of surrender, bound, or already defeated. Mortally wounded characters may be interrogated. Characters can only discuss what they know, and sometimes will not be able to answer all of the Rogue’s questions. Player knowledge and character knowledge are often two different things and this should be taken into consideration. A Rogue with Interrogation may ask 3 questions, plus one question for each Tier above 5th. Players may choose not to be interrogated, but suffer a 5 minute time out, at the end of which they may return to play as normal after a death.
Slip Bonds: The player is able to escape from all mundane means of binding them, traps and physical binding cannot restrict the rogue's escape.
Phys rep: Role play, when players with the Slip Bonds ability are bound, they pull on the bindings as normal, but after 5 seconds they become completely free, and may take any game actions they wish.
Disguise: The Rogue becomes a master of disguise and is able to create a whole new identity that they are directly able to convince all other characters of, even those close to the character. They take on all aspects of the new form, but they do not gain any ability associated with the false character’s class or proclaimed tier.
Phys Rep: The player must put together a disguise suitable to their false identity.
Limitations: Forgery required as a prerequisite.
Tier 6 Abilities
Hide In Shadows: The player can now hide in the shadows around them, whether in a bustling market, disorganized tavern basement, dungeon deep, the thralls of a forest, or anywhere else that a clear shadow casts over. They become undetectable to all mundane methods of detection as long as they are not moving and are crouched behind cover, or in an actual shadow.
Phys Rep: The player takes a crouching stance, if spotted they may respond silently with one held over their mouth, shaking their head side to side in a negative gesture to denote they are using their Hide In Shadows ability.
Limitations: When the player moves out of their position, or engages in an offensive action, their Hide in Shadows is over and they are detectable. Characters wearing primarily metal armor or overencumbered for their max AP may not benefit from [Hide In Shadows] or other stealth-based Skills.
Befriend Beast/Monster: Always ample in the art of persuasion, the player can now utilize their prowess in communication to calm the aggressive nature of moderately intelligent beasts and monsters. By using a combination of verbal, and nonverbal communication, skilled rogues can calm a beast or monster down to a less immediately aggressive state.
Phys Rep: Hands outstretched to show the player means no harm, as well as some sort of offering to the creature they encountered.
Limitations: Does not work against creatures already attacked by the party and not against creatures either too smart to be fooled, or too unintelligent to understand. At the moment, this may only be used in land searches and limited in impact to bypassing the battle.
Bullseye shot: The player, trained in ranged combat arts, can now hit a bullseye shot that deals double damage to the player struck with the ranged weapon.
Phys Rep: The player calls out “Bullseye!” at their target, and must strike them with an arrow or other ranged weapon.
Limitations: Can only be used twice per day with +1 added after each Rogue Tier past 6th.
Cross-Training: At Tier 6 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. Cross-Training in Skills that are Tier 3 now cost three times (3x) the Skill Point cost, and all other restrictions and prerequisites for each skill apply. The player must have the previous training level in the appropriate path to pursue the third stage of cross path training.
Warrior Training 3: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of warriors. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Warriors Skill path.
Healer Training 3: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Mage Training 3: The Player studies the craft of the magi of the realm. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Mage skill path.