Rites of sprinG
APRIL 11th -14th, 2024
Rekindle the fire of the ancient warrior spirit within you at the Rites of Spring.
Rites of Spring

10753 Mountain Run Lake Rd - Culpeper, VA 22701
Weekend of April 11-14, 2024
The event will take place on the beautiful lands of Mountain Run Winery.
Twenty five acres of forest and fields located an hour and half outside of Washington, DC,
and set against the backdrop of the Shenandoah Valley Region, near Culpeper, VA.

Rites of Spring
The Great Council of the land of Osterra calls all those of adventurous spirit to attend the Rites of Spring!
We continue the ongoing narrative campaign of the Pirate War, pursuing the forces of Prince Rory in the southern lands of Vetis Mundi, The Old World. Seeking to destroy their fleets and conquer their lands.
But you don't need to know about all of that to have fun at the Rites of Spring!
At the Rites of Spring each year are held great tournaments to determine who is most skilled with sword, spear, and bow. This year we will continue in those traditions, testing not only martial prowess, and strength of arms, but speed of whit, with riddles, and puzzle solving challenges as well. We will find the most clever and brave champions of the realm.
Grab your weapons of choice and join us for a weekend of Live Action Role Playing, LARP battles, puzzles, games of skill & chance, quests, feasting, and revelry at Mountain Run Winery in Culpeper, Virginia.
LARP Adventures is proud to present The Rites of Spring. It’s a perfect event for those who have never LARPed before, and yet challenging enough that even veteran fighters, and role players will find their skills pushed to the limit. This is both an individual and team-based event. It combines elements of scavenger hunts, adventure racing, puzzle solving, resource allocation, and live action combat with safe foam weapons to provide a fun weekend of adventure. Set within the LARP Adventures' fantasy realm of Osterra, an immersive live action roleplaying world, where monsters, brigands and dark forces lurk within the forest, swamps, and hills.
Rites of Spring Schedule
12 PM - Check in and camp set-up
3 PM - Weapons check and new player orientation, role play begins...
6:30 PM - Traveler's Feast - Bring a dish to share! This is a casual pot luck affair for adventurers to introduce themselves and share in comradery in the feast hall.
8:00 PM - Night Adventures - Tavern, Pit Fights, and plot scenes throughout the evening drive the adventure.
10:00 AM Check in
12 PM - Weapons check and new player orientation, role play begins. Faction and guild meetings, training, and camp set-up continues
4 PM - Weapons check and orientation, field battle scenarios, quests
6:30 PM - Dinner (Included in Meal Plan): Friday Feast - Join in the food and fun in the great hall
8:00 PM - Knight's Roundtable - The Knights of the realm hold their meeting, new squires may petition at this time.
8:30 PM - Night Adventures - Tavern, Pit Fights, and plot scenes throughout the evening drive the adventure into the evening. Tell your story around the fire, sing your songs, or share your talent, bring your drums and musical instruments and join in the merriment of Friday night at the campout.
8AM-9:30 AM - Breakfast (Included in Meal Plan)
10:00 AM Check in, weapons check and orientation, new players will receive continued training in LARP combat, the rules that guide conduct within the realm of Osterra. The Guilds will meet to go over rules, role playing, and physical representations for skills, spells, and abilities.
11:00 AM - The adventure begins with faction land searches, an epic wargame where everyone can play a role, and learn about NPCs in combat scenarios as the powers of the realm make moves on the land map, try to expand their territories, and explore the realm.
1:00 PM - Lunch break (Included in Meal Plan)
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Adventures - There will be many challenges and quests to take part in.
4:30 PM - The day of adventure will culminate in a show of live steel and demonstrations of armored combat melees.
7:00 PM - Dinner (Included in Meal Plan): A grand feast, awards ceremonies, and bonfire at dark will conclude the event.
...Role playing and camaraderie will continue throughout night with a special Dragon Lantern Ceremony hosted by the Vidarian Khanate.
8AM-9:30 AM - Breakfast (Included in Meal Plan)
10 AM-3 PM - Camp clean up and packed by 3 PM
But wait? I’ve never done this kind of thing before!? I’m worried I’ll feel out of place, plus, I don’t own plate armor.
Have no fear. The Rites of Spring Challenge is specifically geared to be accessible to first time players. If you enjoy the outdoors and events that combine both physical and mental challenges you will have a blast. We’ll loan you a sword, maybe you can win the use of a shield in an arena pit fight, or in the service of a Knight. You’ll be a part of the adventure in no time. With our small group-oriented dynamics you’ll be thrust into a decision-making role on your team and you’ll be sneaking down forest paths, running from bands of orcs, ambushing the other teams, cracking codes written in long dead languages and sending brigands to 'meet their makers’ with the best of them. Grab some friends and sign up as a team/adventure party or come out solo and we promise this will be one event you’ll never forget!