Spells, skills, and abilities for Wizards in LARP Adventures
Updated March 22, 2024
Those on the Wizard’s Path delve into the secret knowledge and mysteries of arcane magic. Decipher runes, place wards, protect your allies and learn the mysteries of the portals.
Core Abilities (with Skill Master training)
Read & Write Magic
Detect Magic
Enchantment and Wards
Research new spells
Create Scrolls and Potions
Limitations and Restrictions
One handed weapons, magical weapons, & staffs
Your arcane studies have limited your martial training - initially no armor or shield

Tier 0 Abilities
Read/Write Arcana: Player can decipher magic runes and read magic. This skill is foundational and a prerequisite for all other Arcanum.
Phys Rep: Rune cipher in spellbook (Elder Futhark is the standard runic system used for magic at LARP Adventures)
Limitations: Study, research, and quests may be needed to unlock some magics.
Light: (Spell) Create light equal to 1 torch. Can counter magical darkness (last cast)
Phys Rep: 10 word spell in spellbook. Optional (lighted globe, glowing crystal, fake flame, etc)
Limitations: 10’ radius
Darkness: (Spell) Counters magical light. May be used to hide objects. Darkness may only be cast on a location, and cannot be moved once cast.
Phys Rep: 10 word spell in spellbook. Optional, black cloth of desired radius, up to 10’
Limitations: 10’ radius
Sense Arcana: Can sense if an object has arcane properties, but not any details of powers or effects.
Phys Rep: 10 word spell in spellbook.
Limitations: Single person or object, may be used 3x per day +1 per Mage Tier.
Basic Weapon Proficiency: Players learn the basic combat and safety rules and the use of single handed weapons.
Kindle Flame/Torch: Player gains proficiency at creating normal fire, may make a torch or lantern to create light.
Phys Rep: LARP safe light source.
Limitations: 10’ radius
Tier 1 Abilities
Repair - Minor: (Spell) Repairs a single small normal object 12” or smaller, or one hit location of armor.
Phys Rep: 25 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: Single person or object/touch, may be used 3x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 1.
Divine Arcana: (Spell) Once an object is defined as magical the player can sense its arcane properties, and any details of objects powers or effects.
Phys Rep: 25 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: 1x per Mage Tier per day per day.
Prerequisite: Sense Arcana
Arcane Armor: (Spell) Absorbs the first 1 point of damage taken by the target, regardless of location. Once 1 point of damage is absorbed the spell fades, and the belt flag should be removed at first opportunity.
Phys Rep: 25 word spell in spellbook, red belt flag with one black stripe, and roleplay.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 1. Arcane Armor may not be stacked with other Arcane Armors or Holy Armor.
Ward Location: (Spell) Areas marked cannot be entered or exited until the ward is lifted or broken, except for those the spellcaster specifically allows, warded objects may not be opened or destroyed without breaking the ward first. Projectiles may not be fired into or out of a warded location, a ward may not be fought through.
Phys Rep: 25 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Yellow ribbon around location, or object, and a written message denoting tier and caster's name.
Limitations: 1x per Tier per day, 10’ radius per tier, a Mage may have one warded location active per tier.
Mage’s Staff: A Mage gains the ability to use a staff, it is imbued with the Mage’s energy. Damage caused by a Mage’s Staff is considered magical. The staff may act as a focal point of spellcasting, and may be considered an extension of the Mage, where touch is concerned for casting and game play.
Phys Rep: LARP safe staff
Limitations: Regardless of whether a staff is wielded in one hand or two they always do 1 point of damage.
Tier 2 Abilities:
Scrolls & Potions: Player gains the ability to produce scrolls and potions. Potions may be consumed by anyone, Scrolls may only be used if the user knows Read/Write Arcana.
To Create Potions or Scrolls, please refer to the full Scroll/Potion ruleset for limitations and mechanics.
Comprehend Language: (Spell) Target player can understand any one chosen language for 10 minutes, written or spoken.
Phys Rep: 35 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: 10 minute duration. May be used 3x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 2.
Protection From Fire: (Spell) The player is able to weave a spell to protect a player, object, or area from the effects of fire, normal and magical. Protection From Fire negates the first fire based spell cast against the enchanted player.
Phys Rep: 35 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Red cape for players, or red ribbon for items and locations. Once the first spell is negated, Protection From Fire fades, and the cape should be removed at first opportunity.
Limitations: Target player, object, or 5’ area, 1x per Tier per day, a Mage may have one Protection From Fire active per Mage Tier. Duration: 4 hours or death of enchanted player.
Protection From Ice and Cold: (Spell) The player is able to weave a spell to protect a player, object, or area from the effects of ice and cold, normal and magical. Protection From Ice and Cold negates the first cold or ice based spell cast against the enchanted player.
Phys Rep: 35 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Light blue cape for players, or light blue ribbon for items and locations. Once the first spell is negated Protection From Ice and Cold fades, and the cape should be removed at first opportunity.
Limitations: Target player, object, or 5’ area, 1x per Tier per day, a Mage may have one Protection From Ice and Cold active per Mage Tier. Duration: 4 hours or death of enchanted player.
Cross-Training: At Tier 2 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. Cross Training skills cost twice (2x) as many Skill Points to acquire.
Warrior Training 1: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of warriors. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Warriors Skill path.
Healer Training 1: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Rogue Training 1: The Player studies and watches the rogues around them. They can choose one tier 1 or lower ability from the Rogue skill path.
Tier 3 Abilities:
Combat Magic, and Necromancy are now opened to the player, those spells are unlocked, and players are able to earn them, and add them to their spellbook. At Tier 3 players are encouraged to work with the Guild to train players of lower tiers in new abilities.
Major Repair: (Spell) Repairs a single medium sized normal object 48” or smaller, or all hit locations of armor for a single player.
Phys Rep: 50 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: Single person or object/touch, may be used 3x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 3.
Prerequisite: Minor Repair
Arcane Armor 2: (Spell) Absorbs the first 2 points of damage taken by the target, regardless of location. Once 2 points of damage is absorbed the spell fades, and the belt flag should be removed at first opportunity.
Phys Rep: 50 word spell in spellbook, red belt flag with two black stripes, and roleplay.
Limitations: May be used 2x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 3. Arcane Armor may not be stacked with other Arcane Armors or Holy Armor.
Prerequisite: Arcane Armor
Speak Language: (Spell) Target player can read, write or converse in any one chosen language for 10 minutes.
Phys Rep: 50 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: 10 minute duration. May be used 3x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 3.
Prerequisite: Comprehend Language
Iron Shod Mage’s Staff: A Mage gains the ability to use an improved staff, not only is it imbued with the Mage’s magical energy, but it also has been crafted with deadly intent. Damage caused by a Mage’s Staff is considered magical, and when wielded with two hands will cause 2 damage. The staff may act as a focal point of spellcasting, and may be considered an extension of the Mage, where touch is concerned for casting and game play.
Phys Rep: Ornate LARP safe staff
Prerequisite: Mage’s Staff
Magic Shield: (Spell) The Mage conjures a shield of magical energy. The shield is impervious to normal attacks and may block spells cast against the Mage up to the Mage’s Tier.
Phys Rep: 50 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Green shield up to 24” in diameter, it may bear a unit or personal symbol.
Limitations: Personal use only. May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 3, a Mage may only have 1 Magic Shield in play at any given time. Duration: 4 hours
Magic Missile: (Combat Magic) Player summons bolts of magical energy that can be thrown at target players or NPCs, each Magic Missile does 1 point of damage, that damage counts as magical.
Phys Rep: 50 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Minimum 3” black spellball, alternatively character themed coreless throwing weapons painted black may also be used, such as darts, knives, or axes. The spell must include the invocation line, “I (state your name or title) summon the power of the Ley Lines!” Once you have stated the invocation the spell has been cast and you may throw the spellball. You may take up to three steps, without speaking before you throw. When you are ready to throw, yell “MAGIC MISSILE!!!” as you throw.
Limitations: 1 Magic Missile per Mage Tier. May be used 3x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 3. May be blocked by shields, normal armor rules apply.
Speak With Dead: (Spell) The player is able to contact and communicate with the dead and is able to ask 3 questions. The soul of the deceased must answer questions truthfully and to the best of their abilities.
Phys Rep: 50 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 3.
Tier 4 Abilities:
Break Arcana: (Spell) Can be used to dispel magic on objects, enchantments, and warded locations. Before breaking an unknown arcana, the magic in question must be identified through the use of “Divine Arcana.” Break arcana is successful only if the tier of the caster is equal to or higher than the tier of the magic being dispelled. Can be cast at a higher tier level if the player has access. (RP time multiplied by level cast).
Phys Rep: 75 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: May be cast on a single target player, arcane object, enchantment, or ward. May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier.
Prerequisite: Divine Arcana
Mind Shield: (Spell) Target’s mind is shielded from mental interference. The target player will not succumb to psionic mind control, or other psionic effects, including Interrogate and Compel Truth.
Phys Rep: 75 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 4. Duration: 1 hour
Anti-magic Aura: (Spell) The player is able to weave a spell to protect a player, object, or area from the effects of magic. Anti-magic Aura negates the first spell cast or magical effect used against the enchanted player, item, or location.
Phys Rep: 75 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Silver cape for players or silver ribbon for item or location. Once the first spell is negated, Anti-magic Aura fades, and the cape, or ribbon should be removed at first opportunity.
Limitations: Target player, object, or 5’ area, 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 4, a Mage may have one Anti-magic Aura active per Mage Tier. Duration: 4 hours or death of enchanted player.
Mental Duel: (Spell) When this spell is cast it draws the target and the spellcaster into an immediate mental contest, a direct battle of mental powers against another magic user. The target must enter the duel. If the Mental Duel is mistakenly initiated with a non-spellcaster, the spell has no effect.
Phys Rep: 75 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier after 4th.
Lightning Bolt: (Combat Magic) Player summons a great electrical charge of magical energy in the form of a Lightning Bolt that can be hurled at target players or NPCs. Lightning Bolt does 2 points of damage, that damage counts as magical. Armor is not effective against lightning bolts, shields may block a lightning bolt from hitting a player, but are destroyed by the blast. Lightning Bolts can also be used to destroy objects, for instance 4 Lightning Bolts will destroy a normal gate.
Phys Rep: 75 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Minimum 5” blue spellball, alternatively character themed coreless throwing blue bolts may also be used. The spell must include the invocation line, “I (state your name or title) summon the power of lightning!” Once you have stated the invocation the spell has been cast and you may throw the spellball. You may take up to three steps, without speaking before you throw. When you are ready to throw, yell “LIGHTNING BOLT!!!” as you throw.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 4.
Animate Dead: (Combat Magic) The player may animate any one corpse, turning it basically into a zombie, their personal automaton. If cast on a player they are animated for 10 minutes, after that they may continue to role play as the undead minion of the casting player until death if they wish, or return to play as normal, with no memory of their death, or what they did while animated. Players may choose not to be animated, but suffer a 5 minute time out, at the end of which they may return to play as normal after a death. Players animated by this spell become Skeletons as per the Bestiary/Land Search Chart, a1 hit creature, ignores arrows, and stabs. An NPC cannot refuse animation unless they are needed elsewhere by the organizers. Animated dead are only permitted to follow simple commands such as “walk this way”, “guard”, “attack”,’ or “go get that.” If the spell caster dies the undead will go berserk until destroyed.
Phys Rep: 75 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Gray headband with a black skull or skeleton mask.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per every 2 Mage Tiers. Players may decline to be animated. A player may only have one Animated Dead in play per 2 Tiers
Create Undead Knight: (Combat Magic) Continued study in the necromantic arts allows the player to increase the strength of their undead minions. Create Undead Knight is played as per Animate Dead except the Undead Knight is a 3 hit creature , ignores arrows, and stabs.
Phys Rep: 75 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Gray headband with two black skulls or an even meaner skeleton mask.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per every 2 Mage Tiers. Players may decline to be animated. A player may only have one Undead Knight in play per 3 Tiers of experience.
Prerequisite: Animate Dead
Cross-Training: At Tier 4 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. The player must have the previous training level in the appropriate path to pursue the second stage of cross path training. Cross Training Tier 2 Skills cost twice (2x) as many Skill Points to acquire for Tier 2 Skills.
Warrior Training 2: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of warriors. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Warriors Skill path.
Healer Training 2: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Rogue Training 2: The Player studies and watches the rogues around them. They can choose one tier 2 or lower ability from the Rogue skill path.
Tier 5 Abilities:
Enchant Weapon/Item: Deals +1 damage, all damage from weapon is magical. May overcome standard weapon resistance of some creatures. Duration: 4 hours
Phys Rep: 100 word spell in spellbook, role play, and green ribbon attached to the weapon/item.
Limitations: One weapon/item at Mage Tier 5, plus one weapon/item per Tier after may be Enchanted. Duration: Death of player wielding the weapon or, 4 hours.
Pouch Spell: Mages use Pouch Spell to hold a spell for later use. The player casts Pouch Spell first, and then the spell that they wish to be “Pouched” excluding the invocation line. When the player wants to unleash the “Pouched” spell they first must declare “Pouch” and then recite the invocation line of the “Pouched” spell to be cast.
Phys Rep: 100 word spell in spellbook, pouch or spellbag, and role play.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 5. One spell at Mage Tier 5, plus one spell per Tier after may be “Pouched”.
Steady Spell: Player uses the Steady Spell to steel themselves against the rigors of combat or a dangerous situation to be able to cast their next spell, or spells under duress. Usually, a spell would be interrupted, the spell energy lost, and the spell would fail if the caster is hit during the casting. Once cast, Steady Spell allows the player to ignore all outside interference, including hits against them while casting the next spell, or spells, depending on their Mage Tier. They may successfully cast the spell, or series of spells as long as they still live.
Phys Rep: 100 word spell in spellbook, and role play.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 5. 1 spell at Tier 5 and one additional spell for each Tier after.
Silent Spell: With the use of Silent Spell the caster is able to cast spells without verbalizing them. Once Silent Spell is cast the Mage may cast the next spell or series of spells, depending on Mage Tier, without using the verbal component of the spell. Instead they may silently read the spell, or series of spells in their head and cast them in silence.
Phys Rep: 100 word spell in spellbook, and role play.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 5. 1 spell at Tier 5 and one additional spell for each Tier after.
Summon Creature: The Mage is able to summon an NPC creature to do his bidding.
Phys Rep: 100 word spell in spellbook, and role play. NPC summoned will be based on adventure setting, and at the discretion of game officials. Alternatively, a Unit or Faction may create a monster concept, and costume that can be played by a teammate.
Limitations: Creature is controlled for 10 minutes per Mage Tier. Once the period of the Mage’s control is up, unless they are able to cast Summon Creature again, the creature will resort to its natural state and attack the nearest players, or flee. May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 5. Requires game official and available NPC. Monster concepts must be submitted to game organizers for approval.
Fireball: (Combat Magic) Player conjures a sphere of magical energy in the form of a Fireball that can be hurled at target players or NPCs. If you hit your target they are consumed by the fiery conflagration as the Fireball explodes on impact leaving a charred husk. Counted as 4 magic hits, neither shields or armor are effective against Fireballs, if a Fireball hits your shield you take the damage. Fireballs can also be used to destroy objects, for instance 2 Fireballs will destroy a normal gate.
Phys Rep: 100 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Minimum 5” red spellball. The spell must include the invocation line, “I (state your name or title) summon the power of
fire!” Once you have stated the invocation the spell has been cast and you may throw the spellball. You may take up to three steps, without speaking before you throw. When you are ready to throw, yell “FIREBALL!!!” as you throw.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 5.
Animate Group of Dead: (Combat Magic) You are reaching the pinnacle of necromantic power and can now tap directly into the negative material plane and animate multiple skeletons with a single spell. The caster may now animate the number of corpses up to their current Tier as per the Animate Dead spell.
Phys Rep: 100 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Gray headbands with a black skull, for each undead raised, or skeleton masks.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per every 2 Mage Tiers. Players may decline to be animated.
Prerequisite:Create Undead Knight
Tier 6 Abilities:
Banish Creature: Sometimes a creature is more trouble than it’s worth to fight. The player is able to send an NPC creature away. This can be used on regular NPCs and creatures brought into play via the Summon Creature spell. Banish Creature’s effects will be based on adventure setting, and at the discretion of game officials, when successfully cast target creature will move at best speed directly away from the caster.
Phys Rep:140 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 6. Requires Game Official and NPC creature to be present.
Disintegrate: (Combat Magic) The Mage draws dark energy from the Ley Lines that coalesces into a swirling ball of chaos, crackling with power. Such is the power of Disintegrate that if you hit your target they are utterly obliterated on impact leaving nothing at all. Counted as 8 magic hits, neither shields or armor are effective against Disintegrate, if it hits your shield you take the damage. Disintegrate can also be used to destroy objects, for instance 1 Disintegrate spell will destroy a normal gate. A Disintegrated player can only be brought back by a Resurrection spell, or greater power.
Phys Rep:140 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Minimum 6” black spellball. The spell must include the invocation line, “I (state your name or title) summon the powers of
chaos!” Once you have stated the invocation the spell has been cast and you may throw the spellball. You may take up to three steps, without speaking before you throw. When you are ready to throw, yell “DISINTEGRATE!!!” as you throw.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 6.
Modify Memory: (Spell) Grants the caster the ability to ALTER x minutes equal to the Mage’s tier of in-character memory. Example: Change the identity of a rogue the target witnessed poisoning a mug of ale.
Phys Rep: 140 word spell that tells the player the memories that will be altered and how they will be changed.
Limitations: Cannot be used to change any memory that happened on a previous day. Can only be used 1 time per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 6.
Disguise Person: (Spell) A mage can alter their, or another’s physical appearance temporarily for the purposes of stealth or intrigue. One cast of this spell will last for a period of x minutes, equal to the Mage’s Tier x2.
Phys rep: A mask that covers your eyes, like a venetian or domino mask. The mask can be held in front of your face or worn on the forehead. 140 Word spell Casted while in close contact to the character who will be taking on the disguise
Limitations: Only one disguise may be used at a time. If a Mage is slain during this spell, the disguise is lifted. Players cannot exit their disguise until the spell duration is completed.
Mass Repair: (Spell) The caster is able to repair a number of small items up to their Tier en masse through this incantation, or a single larger item like a gate or siege engine. Armor, weapons, shields and other items that can be carried by hand count as small items. Anything that can not be easily lifted by a single person or that is obviously large, like a castle gate, or the hull of a boat counts as large. As the caster gains in experience and Tiers they can repair more small items, and larger structures. The spell immediately repairs the target(s) to their full structure or armor point value. This only makes repairs on mundane objects, and does not restore any magical properties the structure, armor, or item may have had previously.
Phys Rep: 140 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. The spell invocation must include terminology of what they would like to repair or what is in their range to repair.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 6. It may only be used once per encounter.
Prerequisite: Major Repair
Spell Sword: The caster is able to use their weapon as their spell focus. Ensorceled steel, magic staff, any weapon chosen by the mage becomes the channel of their power. The caster may now cast without referencing their spellbook. A good effort should be made to at least represent casting time and recite invocation lines.
Phys Rep: 140 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. The written spell must include a description of their chosen focus weapon. The caster must memorize their spells, or have them written on the Spell Sword, to jog their memory.
Ice Storm: (Combat Magic) The spell caster uses energy from the leylines to drain the heat from around them. They then can form a cone of cold and ice that they may hurl at their foes, encasing everything that it touches in its frigid embrace. When caught in the middle of its wrath, it will cut and lash at the flesh and bone of those unfortunate enough to have been hit. Ice is one of the most awesome displays of nature's duality of both beauty and fury. The Mage hurls the snow and ice at their foes inflicting 2 points of damage, that damage counts as magical. Such is the cold that normal armor is ineffective against Ice Storm. However, shields may block an Ice Storm from hitting a player, but are then destroyed.
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per Mage Tier above Tier 6. The caster may throw 3 spellballs representing the Ice Storm at Tier 6, +1 spellball per Tier after.
Phys Rep: 140 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. Minimum 3” white spellballs, alternatively character themed coreless throwing white icicles may also be used.
Necrotic Blast: (Combat Magic) The player is able to draw energy from the negative material plane and cast a ball of necrotic energy at his foes. If the target is a player hit by the spell they are engulfed in a blast of necrotic energy, the life force is drained out of them and they are killed regardless of armor. If the target is an NPC it takes 4 wounds of holy/unholy magic damage. May not be blocked by normal shields.
Phys Rep:140 word spell in spellbook, and roleplay. 6” Black Spell Ball
Limitations: May be used 1x per day +1 per every 2 Mage Tiers.
Cross-Training: At Tier 6 you may train in one of the other Skill Paths. Cross-Training in Skills that are Tier 3 now cost three times (3x) the Skill Point cost, and all other restrictions and prerequisites for each skill apply. The player must have the previous training level in the appropriate path to pursue the third stage of cross path training.
Warrior Training 3: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of warriors. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Healer Training 3: The Player dedicates time to learning the craft of healers. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Healer skill path.
Rogue Training 3: The Player studies and watches the rogues around them. They can choose one tier 3 or lower ability from the Rogue skill path.
Requirements For Spell Casting
Regardless of if you roleplay that grants your magical powers, it will have to follow the same general rules:
Casters must be able to focus calmly to perform any spell. They cannot be performed while doing other activities like walking.
Hands must be unhindered & free (no carrying items besides spellbook or hand weapon, and hands may not be bound)
Any interrupted spell fails, the energy is spent.
When performing magic, the caster must describe any effects and limitations in character, either as part of the casting, or afterward if the result will not be obvious. (ex: shielding a warrior before battle requires description of the effects while creating light should be obvious.)
Characters that wish to learn the Arcane arts will need to visit The Wizards Guild to learn their skills.
To access any higher Tier skills or spells, you must receive training in game. This training will ensure you understand magic’s rules and RP, and that you have an spell/skill journal for the spells and arcane knowledge you will learn. Casters of magic can quest in game to piece together additional abilities. Scrolls and potion recipes, once fully assembled and translated, will include how the spells can be invoked, and how often they can be used. Recipes, once assembled, teach you Spells you can add to your spellbook, and follow standard spell rules. Scrolls can only be used once per event, but do not count toward other per day/event performance limits.
Note: Your role play of your use of magic is what will delineate your “class”. So as you compile your spellbook and learn to create new effects, consider how your character flavor may impact your play, and those around you.
For example - you are casting a shielding spell. Are you a druidic character invoking nature to harden their skin like bark? An elementalist invoking the strength of the earth/stone? An arcanist wrapping them in protective energy? Or a necromancer imparting life energy from yourself (or another)? Part of your spells and rituals will always be customizing the flavor and style to your character.
To invoke magic, a character must read the final invocation from their spellbook, or scroll. The final step of compiled spells is the caster writing out their own, custom spells. Even if memorized, the character must have their spellbook or scroll out.
If interrupted before a spell is completed, the spell fails, and is lost, as the energy was invoked.
A caster can cancel any effect they have invoked via simple roleplay that communicates this.
Magical effects continue to be active after the death of their performer as the magic is bound to the target, unless otherwise stated.
Crafting / Using Potions & Scrolls
Potions and scrolls can only be made by those on the Healer’s or Wizard’s Path who have learned the required formulas and how to roleplay the potion and/or scroll crafting from a Skill Master. Potion and scroll rules are detailed in their own section.
Note: One example of how a more “mundane” follower of the Wizard's Path may work around some of the more esoteric spell effects. For example: the Shield spell. Perhaps as a potion maker, your expression of the spell results in crafting a potion that reduces perceived pain, so whoever drinks it can take one more AP of impact before feeling the effects. Find creative ways to achieve the result if you find it fits your character. But don’t feel you have to account for a way to make/have every spell. RP should always come first.
Area / Environmental Effects
Some Spells create areas that are under one or more magical effect. These areas need to be bordered, or covered in a way Player can easily see, and marked with magical symbols, and an effects card. The symbols can be of any design, but the effects card must denote the effect, Tier level cast, and duration (if appropriate). The effects card description should not be readily visible to Players. (folded over, in an envelope, etc). Only characters that can sense arcana, light, or chaos can tell the area is enchanted (unless of an obvious type).
If a Player has arcane or religious divination, they may check the effects card, and then RP appropriately.
Transcribing Scrolls
Spell/skill knowledge may be obtained from scrolls. A player must have Scroll and Potion Use, and copy the scroll completely in their spellbook. If the player meets the preconditions, creates their roleplay, and physical representations as indicated, they may invoke the spell, or perform the skill. Scrolls used in this way are consumed, but do not count toward other casting limits.