"We are Geth."
Perhaps one of the most mysterious and secretive factions, the rest of Osterra simply describes it with one word. Geth. The faction of Geth represents the freedom of doing what you want. While the inner machinations of Geth are a mystery to all, the Great Necromancer has laid his grand plans for all Osterrans to see. To control the blasted lands and build a dark cathedral. What purpose this may serve, that is for Geth to know, and the people of Osterra to find out, perhaps before it is too late. When serving the faction of Geth, there is one rule. Don’t cross Geth or he will make you his next undead soldier.
The leader of the faction is Geth the Necromancer.

Look and Feel:
The minions of Geth typically have the goal of “the darker the look, the better” but a body is a body. Geth is a powerful spellcaster after all and will use what resources he can. However, all more permanent members of the faction of Geth display a black spade with a skull on the center, anywhere on the body.
What type of players/play style might enjoy this faction:
People who want to have fun on the darker side of things and don’t want to be judged for it.
How is the Roleplay and Combat Focus in the faction:
Roleplay: “I focus more on role play but am down to have fun.”
Combat: “There will be combat if you feel like it.”