The Crown would like to recognize Lady Althea, and celebrate her conspicuous bravery in the face of demonic incursion.
She is distinguished for rising to the occasion in the investigation of what we know now as The Plagues of Festar. After receiving the letter from beyond The Ebon Gate several teams were dispatched from the capital, she accompanied a joint force sent to follow up on reports demonic sightings in the south. It was on the outskirts of the woodlands north of the southern river that the party encountered Dimitri Navarro, the last survivor of the ill fated demon hunters sent from beyond the portal, referenced in the aforementioned letter. He was near delirious with fever and it was only through Lady Althea's vast knowledge of languages and dialects that Dimitri could be understood. At great personal risk of infection to herself, she unravelled his tale. Through her translations she was able to direct the party to the ruins of the ancient temple of Kara'thul, where the demon hunters had been headed, to recover an ancient relic that would allow them to oppose the demon, Festar, and his plagues.
Furthermore, it was directly through her considerable diplomatic skill that the three pieces of The Assanitatem Ligaturam Cucurreris were brought together and assembled. The use of this healing amulet by Brennen Farno, then stemmed the tide of plague in the group, and saved the party.
The Crown further empowers Lady Althea as lead Occult Investigator, to continue her questioning of Dimitri Navarro, and then share his knowledge of how to combat these particular demons.
Witnessed to and in the hand of K, servant of the Crown, Provisionary Vizier to King Foster HRHKoNR
(ceremonies to be held at the King's Autumn Feast)