Excerpt from Randy's report to the council;

"... My small band of volunteers and I backtracked the Orcs from their camp as far as we could, but lost the trail a few days out. They used streams and trails frequented by bandits for much of their travels, a few bands of which we had to dispatch. It served as a good tactical exercise. The volunteers saw firsthand how the forest cover was more useful to us than to the bandits, as they had no bowmen. When I have a few more recruits, I'll look to get these woods cleared for the safety of the locals.
The Orc trail eventually broke out to a midsize road, with a well traveled crossroad nearby. They must have made use of the roads in the night to cover more distance, knowing the daily traffic would cover their tracks. There are still a few out scouting, hopefully one of them finds a sign.
In the meantime, I shall join the party escorting Sir Gareth to his portal, to serve as additional security for those returning after we have seen him off.
Now, as to the matter of recruits, here are a few I think hold promise..."