Osterra is a new realm, built on an ancient world, with infinite possibilities.
We are travelers here, through portals of the imagination, strangers in a strange land, drawn here by magical gateways that transport us from other worlds, from the mundane to the fantastic. These portals are opened by forces beyond our understanding. Osterra is a hub-world, a nexus of pathways from all over the multiverse. A battlefield where combatants come to fight the EverWar, the never-ending battle between good and evil, light and dark, law and chaos. It is a world rich in mystery, a land of lost histories. Its native inhabitants live in a dark age, with a forgotten past, amongst the shattered ruins of a long dead civilization.
We banded together in Year 1 and held the first WInter Council. There we set the foundations for a new kingdom, Nova Regnus and began exploring our new lands. Almost immediately we found threats to our security. Terrible and brutal were the orcish warriors, minions of Shagarash, The Vile, a necromancer of great power. Epic battles were fought and we were able to repel our foes, but they were not defeated. Adventurers were assembled and we tracked them to their lair. Held up in the foothills of the World’s Spine Mountains they defended their master, Shagarash with primal ferocity. Finally defeated, they scattered into the mountains and in the ruins of their stronghold The Orbs were found. It is believed that they are keys used to manipulate the portals created by the ancients. Among the revelations of this campaign we came to know the true plight of Osterra, as a hub-world the great powers involved in the eternal struggle of the EverWar seek to control it, and its myriad of portals to the multiverse.
In the spring it was decided to call forth champions from across the realm to hold a tournament. Meanwhile, Shagarash and his orcs, though still in hiding continued to harass the kingdom, trying to regain control of The Orbs. At The Rites of Spring we came into contact with the Risa Fae. Drawn to our gathering by our magic users manipulating the ley lines of Osterra to try and draw power for their spells and rituals. The Risa Fey see magic users as parasitic because arcane magic works by draining energy from the ley lines here. The Risa Fae are born of that organic magic, the mystical force that surrounds us all, they are elemental beings that are connected to the land. They told us of an ancient War of Mages that raged across the land. The Risa Fae used the ley lines against them and mind blasted the magi. The mages all perished, their floating cities fell from the sky, and the Blasted Lands were left in the wake of destruction. The mind blasting “short circuited” the ley lines, causing magic in the realm to become limited, with the fall of the mages the portals closed and their civilization died. Now eons past, The Risa Fae are beginning to restore magical balance to the realm and the energy of the ley lines, but they are concerned that their efforts may bring about a new cycle of war to Osterra. We have little understanding of how magic works in this world. Much study is needed, but we believe that their restoration has led to the portals reopening and drawing us here for some great purpose. We know our enemies are working to gain control of the portals and magical energies here, so we must persist in our studies. Though the Risa Fae and all of the native inhabitants treat magic with fear and superstition.
By summer other insidious forces were at work, the Illithids. Nothing could have prepared the adventurers to face strange occurrences like the illithid incursion. The Council came together once again to fight the mind flayers, who enslaved many of the realm with their psionic powers. They had taken up residence in the ancient ruins of a great temple. Drawing their power from The Great Brain, that they seemed to serve, and The Grimoire, an ancient book of arcane lore. After vanquishing the otherworldly threat the Tharrosians took control of the book and began deciphering the ancient text.
The fall of Year 1 saw the realm split as tensions in The Council had grown and different camps began to form. The Black Sky Company formed amidst the chaos sown by demonic corruption, a malevolent plot set to destroy The Council from within. They found the sole cure for the corruption, and now seek out the corrupted and possessed to redeem them. The Portal Guards, led by the First Knight of the Realm, Ser Ceannric MacEoghn swore an oath to protect the portals at all costs. The Tharrosians, also known as the Cult of Tharros, are an arcane order, followers of the great black lion, Tharros. They have delved deeply into the lore of Osterra in hopes of unlocking the mysteries of its past. Loyal to King Foster and Nova Regnus, are the Wardens. They have traveled extensively through the realm to compile the map of Osterra. Sir Gareth and his wife Lady Lotharian were sent on a quest through a portal to seek forces of light and hope to defend Osterra and aid Nova Regnus. At odds with each other skirmishes between the different factions grew into open warfare. The Grimoire was stolen by traveling kenku, a race of birdlike folk known to steal whatever catches their eye. A hunt for them and the book of magic began.
The cold of winter brought us together again and Foster was declared King of Nova Regnus at the second Winter Council. The search for the kenku culminated with their capture after more than 5 months on the run. The Grimoire was recovered, and a Convocation of WIzards has been called for at the upcoming Rites of Spring. The Great Bank of Nova Regnus was established to aid in expanding trade in the realm. As the icy grip of winter began to thaw mighty armies clashed at the siege of Cailenstadt, fighting against the barbarian warlord Tamir, The Bold, and his bandits to keep the trade route open to Catalpa and the north. A treaty was forged between the Black Sky and the Wardens to restore the ruined fortress. Rumors of orcs seeking the ashes of Shagarash and an alliance of the barbarians and orcs have swept across the land as they continue to harass the trade routes throughout the wilds. Of late, a new and somewhat mysterious group has risen in the defense of innocents on the trade routes, The Order. Little is known of them or their young leader, except that they are great warriors.
In Loyal service to his majesty, King Foster
Chronos McKragg, 1st Ranger of Nova Regnus
In his wisdom, King Foster has decreed that there shall be challenge this year at The Rites of Spring to train us to best use our varied skills and abilities as adventure parties, to learn to better work together throughout the realm against what’s to come.
The Chronicles of Osterra continue to be written. . . will your name be counted amongst its heroes and villains?
Be a part of the adventure! Make your way to The Rites of Spring Challenge!